How to Access Smithfield Foods Pay Stubs and W2s?
Smithfield Foods is one of the largest producers of hogs and pork in the American meat processing industry serving worldwide. Incepted a few years earlier than the start of World War II, the company continues to work on its mission to become an ethical industry leader by pioneering sustainability standards. So far, it has been relatively successful in serving its products to millions of people worldwide every day. Although quite old, the company has always adapted to contemporary technology and has reached this stage by tackling challenges through various innovative ways. The company has always focused on increasing employee productivity by closely monitoring the Human Resources and Payroll departments. The management of Smithfield Foods uses modern technology to electronically distribute Pay Stubs to employees using the SAP MyHROnline Portal and ADP W-2 Online Service Portal to distribute W2 Statements.
Access Your Smithfield Foods Pay Stub at SAP MyHROnline Portal
- First, visit this link ( to reach the main page of the SAP MyHROnline portal, which is intended only for employees of Smithfield Foods Company. Then enter the Username and Password and click the “Log On” button to access the portal. The employees of Smithfield Foods are registered in SAP MyHROnline Portal after hiring and are provided with their respective Usernames and Password. Because even though it is a self-service portal, the authorities do the registration process for the employees.
- After completing the “log on” to the SAP MyHROnline Portal portal, you will see a customized interface or dashboard per Smithfield Foods’ requirements and agreement. Pay Stubs and Payroll-related information of employees in this portal is usually available in the “Payroll Details” menu under the “My Pay” tab. First, you should check your bank account information by going to the “Bank Accounts” option. Then in the “Current Payslips” option, you will get your current Pay Stub, and in the “Payslip History” option, you will get all your previous Pay Stubs. Finally, you can open your Pay Stub and view the details, as well as download and print it. Also, explore your current deductions, payment summary, employee payment history, etc.
Access Your Smithfield Foods W2 Form at ADP W-2 Online Service Portal
- W2 Statements are generally available on the ADP portal by January 31st, and you will receive a notification on your email or number. So as soon as you get the notification, you must sign in to the portal and accept it. However, it is best to complete the registration on the ADP W-2 Online Service portal now. To register on the ADP W-2 Online Service Portal, visit this link ( and click “Create Account.” Then input the registration code received from your employer at Smithfield Foods and select “W-2 Services” along with providing your name in the next step. Then input the other details correctly and authenticate the captcha below. Then verify your identity by answering a few security questions and then provide your email address and number. Finally, create a strong password and input that again for confirmation. Thus, after completing the ADP W-2 Online Service registration process, your User ID will be shown on the confirmation screen.
- Now when you get the notification, sign in from the sign-in page of the ADP W-2 Online Service Portal with this User ID and Password. Then click on “Download Statement” to view or download your W2 Statement.
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Disclaimer: The Smithfield Foods and Smithfield Foods logos are the registered trademarks and copyrighted works of Smithfield Foods, Inc.