Roper st. Francis is a 671-bed healthcare system with an experience of almost 150 years of history, including approximately 125 facilities and doctors’ offices. The team is enhanced with more than 800 specialized doctors and 5,600 employees. This organization’s mission is straightforward: “Healing all people with compassion, faith, and excellence.” Roper St. Francis healthcare professionals as all types of employees, board members, and vendors, are provided a reliable and protected web-based system where they are allowed to get access to all kinds of healthcare-related information, benefits information, payroll-related documents such as pay stubs, w2 statements, and w4 as well as can maintain personal information, contact information, etc. through the internet.
How to log in?
As an employee of the Roper St. Francis Company, you can log in to the Benefitfocus Communication Portal to know about your benefits information and receive the payroll-related documents using this URL: Here, you have to log in with your Username and Password.
After a successful login attempt, you can use this portal for enrolling, managing, and exchanging your Initial Benefits Enrollment, Open Enrollment Elections, and Current Benefit Elections. You can also receive, download, or print your pay stubs, w4 form, and w2 statements.
Creating an account
First, first-time or new users must create an account on this portal.
- Navigate to the portal login page using this URL:
- Click on the “Create an account” from the login section and provide the required information like last name, date of birth, and last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN), complete the security check with reCAPTCHA verification, and go to the next step.
- Create your username and password following the requirements provided on the screen.
- Then you have to create a secret question and answer. You may be asked about creating multiple questions and answers.
Now, keep in mind carefully to note your username and password in a secure place.
View your pay stubs: Your pay stubs are available under the “My Docs” menu on the left-side menu bar. Here is an option as “Document Center,” You will get your pay stubs by clicking on the opportunity.
View your W4 & W2: You can view and download your W4 forms and W2 statements from the “View Tax Documents” option under the “My Docs” menu.
Disclaimer: The Roper St. Francis and the Roper St. Francis logo are the registered trademarks and copyrighted works of the Roper St. Francis Company.