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PTI – Professional Transportation Inc.

PTI is short for Professional Transportation Inc. and is a provider of Crew transportation services. It has over 240 branch offices with more than 6100 associates in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico. PTI drivers are involved in transporting railroad train crews from point to point, which means transport to and from the train. When a railroad staff (team) goes off-duty, a new staff goes on duty. Otherwise, the train will never run. Therefore, both off-duty and on-duty crew must go home/hotel or join the task. According to PTI’s official website, there are more than 3000 corporate accounts. PTI was awarded (Norman P. Award) in 2014 by the chamber of commerce of southwest Indiana for building its capital investment in south Indiana.
The following topics I will be described here-

PTIPay- The Pay Stub Portal
(Facilities of PTIPay and how to access your PTIPay)

PTI Pay Stub
Access your pay stub online via IVR, Via POS, and text messaging.

PTI Driver Pay Stubs
How to access their pay stubs online or another convenient way.

Is PTI provides its employees with W-2s online? When will the W-2s be online? This section will describe the possible way to pick up your Form W-2.

PTI Driver portal
How to access and use the PTI driver portal.

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