Now, Trinity Industries, Inc. employees and all the associated staff don’t have to wait for a particular time and worry about printing and mailing pay stubs and w2 statements. When you are associated with Trinity Industries, Inc. as an employee or staff, you can view the latest pay stubs, w2s, and other employee information on the Paperless Employee Self-Service Portal through a login process. This article will help you access the portal for viewing your pay stubs and w2 statements. So, please, follow the steps carefully and adequately.
Step 1: Create an account:
(Please skip this step if you are an old user.)
You will need your login credentials like User ID and Password, to log into the portal. You can have these by creating an account on this portal. So, please, go ahead with the following processes:
Firstly, go to the portal login page with a network-connected computer using the URL: and click on “Create Account” from the right section of the login page.
Secondly, Complete the Authentication process and create an account providing the required information as (4 to 7 digits of) your Employee ID, nine digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) that cannot start with ‘000’ or ‘666’, Date of Birth following the format as mm-dd-yy, Complete the reCAPTCHA verification and click on Authenticate & Create Account button.
Thirdly, provide your personal information following the requirements.
Fourthly, create your login credentials like User ID and Password, following the screen’s instructions and requirements.
Fifthly, answer three security questions and make a note. So that you can provide correctly if the system asks at any time to verify your identity.
Finally, select your electronic statement notification option and set up your pay statements receiving opportunity.
Step 2: Login Process:
Firstly, navigate the Paperless employee portal login page using this URL: through a network-connected computer.
Then, provide your login credentials as User ID and Password.
Finally, click on the ‘Login’ button.
You can now get your Pay stubs and W2 statements from the definite options in this portal.
Help: If you have forgotten your User ID or Password, you can retrieve it with the ‘Forgot User ID or Password’ hyperlink from the login page. To retrieve your User ID, you must provide your Social Security Number (SSN), which cannot start with ‘000’ or ‘666’, and your Date of Birth following the format mm-dd-yy. For a Password, you must provide your User ID and complete the reCAPTCHA verification.
Disclaimer: The Trinity Industries and the Trinity Industries logos are the trademarks and copyrighted works of The Trinity Industries, Inc.